We are constantly doing upgrades to our Project 991 Turbo and releasing these new parts as we go. Even being such a new car, there is a ton of product to design and build for the years to come. We originally had this bolt-in harness/roll bar built for the 991 Carrera back in September 2013 (Read Here) gambling that like the 997 and 996, fitment would be the same for the Carrera and Turbo. Well, we were right! So we did a test fit of the production bar unpowdercoated in our 991 Turbo. The bar was designed to be in sections for easy install with or without removing the seats. For prototype reasons, we took the seats out since this was the first fit in the 991 Turbo. So stay tuned as we have a nice white one coming for our car! These can be ordered here – Agency Power Roll Harness Bar Porsche 991 Carrera Turbo.